11 (more) Things Every Outdoors Woman Should Experience

Eleven you ask? Most of these types of  lists are ‘ten’. I even have one myself. There is such a variety of experiences I feel should be had by not just every woman, but everyone. Here is a list of eleven more things I’ve added to the list of should dos.

  • Setting up a tent completely on your own. This leads to quite a feeling of accomplishment if you’ve never done it.
  • Starting a campfire from scratch; no firestart sticks, newspaper, just what is provided by nature.
  • Drinking your tea/coffee around a campfire (one of my favorites).
  • Summiting that mountain, whatever size it may be.
  • The scent of evergreens blowing in the breeze.
  • A whispering creek telling bed time stories as you drift into dreamland.
  • Chopping wood, can be difficult but rewarding.
  • Cooking anything over the fire.
  • That moment of peace when you gaze out into nature, feeling the breeze caress your skin while the birds and squirrels hold their conversations. This can be done almost anywhere, even your own backyard.
  • Ice cold creek water running between your toes.
  • Cool grass, soft mud, sun warmed river rocks under your bare feet. This makes me feel so connected, when my feet can touch the earth sans coverings.

Most of these items bring upon a sense of accomplishment for me, no matter how many times I do them. Not because I’m a ‘girl’ that was able to chop my own firewood or set up my own tent, but because I am proud of who I am, and the things I can do for myself. I’m not afraid of a little hard work, and am usually fairly good about asking for help when needed (although I have been known to be quite stubborn). I ask you to try new things, to challenge yourself. You might just be surprised at what you can do.

Are there items on your ‘Experiences List’ you’d like to share? Please, send ’em in!

NWF 2010 Be Out There Resolution

National Wildlife Federation Challenges YOU to be out there, everyday in 2010!

“Go play outside” was a common phrase in my household growing up. The weather didn’t matter. Snow, sun, brisk temperatures, outdoors is where we were supposed to be. I think it was mostly to get us kids out of my mom’s hair, but a connection was being built. Now, “playing outside” is what I desire most.nature's beauty

During the time I have spent as a Girl Scout Camp Director, and as many of my friends have children of their own, I have noticed a disturbing trend. Many of these children don’t know what it’s like to run and laugh and experience the great outdoors.

I would like to challenge you, along with NWF to get you and your kids outdoors everyday. Rebecca P. Cohen took this challenge in 2009. A short walk, bird watching, gazing at the stars, fifteen minutes minimum is all it takes. Help build that relationship for your children which we have all cherished. Be out there!

2009 Reflective Musings

A year themed by change.

As I sit at my laptop, reflecting on the passing year, I realize that I have changed in so many ways. Mentally, emotionally, physically. Maybe change isn’t the right word, but I have experienced growth.

Many wonderful adventures of all sorts were had. I backpacked through the Smokey Mountains, soaked in some marvelous hot springs, spent many nights gazing up at the stars and conquered Hoodoo Mountain to gaze upon Hoodoo lake.

Outdoor WomanThe sights replenished my soul and brought me peace. Even now, I crave the outdoors, the connection with Mother Nature. I yearn to feel hiking boot against trail while the sun warms my skin and the breeze whispers secret thoughts for only me to understand.

I chuckle to myself as I recount the morning my precious dogs made an escape hatch through the back of the tent, cutting our trip short. I groan as I remember the excruciating climb up mountains, and again resolve myself to be in even better shape next summer. A smile parts my lips while I reminisce of the two months spent in North Idaho with my Mom. Days lounging on the lake, mountain hikes, all attributed to her for introducing me to the outdoors.

Campfire meals never tasted so delicious (even with the potatoes more than slightly undercooked). Stars never shone so brightly. And when I thought my appreciation for this wonderful world could not grow any deeper, it explodes and rises to a whole new level.

As I look at my reflection, seeing beyond the newly acquired lines on my forehead (perhaps from age or not enough sunscreen?), I see myself. I am an outdoors woman, and I can’t wait for the adventures to come!

Happy New Year. See you all in 2010!