NWF 2010 Be Out There Resolution

National Wildlife Federation Challenges YOU to be out there, everyday in 2010! “Go play outside” was a common phrase in my household growing up. The weather didn’t matter. Snow, sun, brisk temperatures, outdoors is where we were supposed to be. I think it was mostly to get us kids out of my mom’s hair, but …

2009 Reflective Musings

A year themed by change. As I sit at my laptop, reflecting on the passing year, I realize that I have changed in so many ways. Mentally, emotionally, physically. Maybe change isn’t the right word, but I have experienced growth. Many wonderful adventures of all sorts were had. I backpacked through the Smokey Mountains, soaked …

10 things every outdoor woman should experience

There are so many things in the outdoors to experience, a simple list can not begin to cover them all. Here are a few things that are tops on my list for every outdoor woman to experience. 1. A starlit soak in a backcountry hot spring. The feeling of peace and serenity this brings is …