Fruits for Thought, More Environmental Quotes

Environmental quotes always broaden my thoughts, expand my mind, contemplate and appreciate the world around me. Here are a few quotes that I recently came upon. I hope you enjoy. When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.  ~John Muir Man is a complex …

Fall Hiking Tips for the Wild Outdoor Woman

Autumn has begun to set upon us turning the outdoors into a new world. Leaves are shedding their greens for hues of golds and reds. Slowly they’ll fall to the ground and temperatures will begin to drop. Fortunately, this does not signal the end of hiking season. Fall is my favorite time of year to …

I Am An Outdoor Woman

I’ve always been a woman of the outdoors. Growing up in the mountains of north Idaho definitely lent a hand in fueling my passion. A deep appreciation of our environment and nature was ingrained in me since childhood. This is a special place, a place to cherish, to protect. A place to laugh, experience, and …