National Wildlife Week

The time has come to celebrate our wildlife!ram

When: March 16 – 20

You ask why is this post going up midway through the week? I say because it’s not too late to get involved and celebrate!

What is National Wildlife Week?

It is a time to take notice of the beauty around us and the importance of protecting and conserving what is left.It is a time to honor nature and the bounties she provides for us.

What can You do to get involved?

It’s as easy as getting outdoors! Hike, bird watch, animal watch, learn to identify a new plant; any of these and more.

You have the opportunity to not only participate yourself, but to get those around you excited as well. The National Wildlife Week website has a mountain of information and activities for all ages.

In this world we shouldn’t need a special week to commemorate what is gifted to us. Everyday should be a wildlife celebration.

So what are you waiting for?

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